6 Reasons You've Stopped Improving!

Movement and Topsin Tips

Limited Competition - When you only play with people below your level, you will struggle to keep improving at that point. The mental competition is just as important as the physical competition.

Try gradually playing with people .10 higher than you, .20, .30, etc! Don’t be rude, and forget your day one people, but if you’re looking to improve, get yourself out there!

Bad Technique - Bad habits can really prevent future growth! With bad technique, nothing is necessarily right or wrong, but you may eventually plateau with those bad habits!

Sometimes you have to get worse to get better. So break those bad habits, struggle a little bit, and improve quicker than you thought you could!

Not Getting Feedback - When you don’t record yourself play, or get coaching, you may not know what - how - and why you’re doing something wrong!

The first, and easiest step to getting feedback and awareness about your game is to WATCH your game! Set up your phone, and record your play! Review them later and see your “heat of the moment” thought processes!

Watch the rest of our thoughts and get visuals with a 1on1 teaching session for correcting mistakes here!

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 3 Tips That Will Instantly Fix Your Pickleball Game - From Shea Underwood

Backhand Return - Noting off of Ben Johns’ & Federico Staksrud in singles: They always take the extra steps necessary on return of serve to make sure they get solid contact on the ball. Especially on their backhand returns.

Split Stepping - As Ben approaches the kitchen in singles, he stops his momentum in a split step before his opponent makes contact with the ball. This will give you the opportunity to be ready to move in either direction. It will give you time to read your opponent and assess the situation.

Movement Breakdown - There are 3 main movements to know of.

Shuffling, Pivoting, & Reaching.

Shuffling is pushing off one foot laterally. Pivoting is keeping one foot still and moving your opposite foot around to keep stability while on the move. Reaching is self-explanatory, but it is essentially the opposite of a shuffle.

The difference between Pro’s & Joe’s, is the fact that Pro’s rarely waste any movement. Gladly, you can train, and work on your footwork. Footwork is an immensely underrated skill in pickleball. If you have bad footwork, you can harm yourself, and maybe even your partners! Not only that, but good footwork is also strategic when you get down to it.

Watch the rest of Shea’s video here! 

Subscribe to Shea Underwood!

 Learn Topspin in Just 8 Minutes in Pickleball! - From Tanner Tomassi

Main Reason People Struggle - The most common grip in pickleball is a continental grip. Most pickleball players aren’t ex-tennis players, so any other grip may feel unorthodox or taboo to them.

A semi-eastern grip will naturally close your paddle face, making it easier to generate top spin!

Paddle Tip Facing Down - Make sure you’re underneath the ball when you go for topspin! When you keep your paddle tip downwards, you naturally get underneath the ball. When you combine the paddle tip down, with bending your knees, you keep a consistent basis to go off of, when needing topspin!

Make your body get into a routine, to avoid unnecessary mistakes! Once you put these into play, you should brush from low to high on the ball to put the cherry up top!

What to do With Your Off-Hand - As the ball comes in, point at the ball with your other hand, keeping your opposite hand close to your paddle, use your body to wind up and follow through ball contact - throughout the entire shot!

This will get your shoulders, hips, knees, paddle face, and momentum going forward through the ball for more power, and spin!!!

Watch the rest of Tanner’s tips on topspin here! 

Subscribe to Tanner!


Paddle Stats Spreadsheet - HERE for discounts, and stats!

Maverix has been known for their unique shapes and designs, yet they’re introducing Kevlar, and a rare 15mm!!! Why aren’t 15mm paddles more common? Will we soon have a surge of 15mm paddles, as we are with Kevlar right now?

Our RPM test came out to - 2045

Our Power test came out to - 62.4


CRBN 10% Off: PBJourney10 

Is there a tiny voice in the back of your head saying “PROTECT YOUR EYES” every time you play pickleball?

Well, CRBN is here to save you money, and your eyesight! These glasses have SO many options, styles, and ways to wear them! Is your budget an obstacle? The SHOP APP will allow you to do payments! These have a 1 YEAR WARRANTY! With our code, the price will come out to about $85, in comparison to other brands of $100-$300! Save your eyesight, and your wallet from hospital bills!

JustPaddles + Pickleball Journey Discount

Do you want a drilling partner who doesn’t talk smack? Here’s the SpinShot with $50 off!!!

Thanks for reading. Share with your pickle people and we can grow more for big giveaways, exclusive deals, and offers! See you next time!

- The Pickleball Journey Team