Fast Hands, SLK Kevlar, & Percentage Game!

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 3 Tips For Faster Hands!

Tip #1 - Ready Position!

This is for being ready, PERIOD! Not just faster hands! Be ready and stay ready for any ball that may come at you! This is important so you’re less likely to be caught off guard, even by your own pop ups or mistakes!

Tip #2 - Low Stance!

Having a naturally low, stable stance is key to….. being ready and locked in! Getting low with the ball lets you see better opportunities, make better, more consistent shots, and allows you to load up your body for more power when you need it!

Tip #3 - Move Your Body!

This goes for out balls, preventing getting jammed up, or even “chicken winged”! To move your body while in firefights means to shuffle if needed to cover middle or outside line, turning your shoulders to let balls go, or moving just to get your paddle on a tough ball!

Watch the rest of our tips and get visuals with a 1on1 teaching session for tips here!

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Tip #1 - Return!

Returns ideally should go deep, just make sure you don’t hit them out! The higher the level you play at, the harder it is to return!

Early preparation is vital! Having a consistent stance, being ready, keeping an eye on the ball, and having your paddle up is important to reading your opponents!

Tip #2 - Zoning!

Zoning means following your shot with your body! If you’re cross court dinking and hit a wide dink, you and your partner should follow your ball to put more pressure on your opponent and eliminating their potential targeting spots!

Use this “zoning” method on majority of the balls you make! You and your partner should almost always be zoning together!

Tip #3 - Resetting!

As you’re trying to get to the kitchen line, majority of your “right decisions” should be to reset the ball, so your team can get to the kitchen and neutralize the point!

Pickleball is about risk/reward and high percentage decisions. Give yourself a better percentage chance to make that winning ball!

Watch the rest of the video here! 

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Tip #1 - Don’t Rush!

Rushing yourself on the court will get you in trouble! Rushing on your serve hits the net, rushing your return goes out, rushing the transition zone pops it up.

Errors due to rushing can look like these 4 things! Not setting feet, running through the ball, awkward ball contact, and eyes off the ball! Have you ever done this? Well then take your time! Be precise and intentional with your decisions! This will help you stay calm, make smarter decisions, and have a long-lasting, high-level point making it feel even better when you win that point!

Tip #2 - Choose High Percentage Shots!

Would you choose a screwdriver to hammer a nail? No! When you’re at the net and speed up a ball that just bounced off the ground, will it go in the net? Likely yes! (unless it climbs over the net and drops 😅)

Take the shots you know you can make! Of course, practice pushing those boundaries to get better! Yet acting on your impulses to rush low percentage shots, is asking for disaster! Take your time! Play the smart game, and even if you lose, you’ll know what to do better next time!

Every shot has a certain percentage of success based on where you are on the court! Generally, you want to place the ball where you have a higher percentage of more open court space, and success.

Tip #3 - Transition in the Transition Zone!

It’s easier to hit an unattackable reset shot that lands in your opponent’s kitchen, than it is to attack a ball at your feet when you’re in the transition zone!

If your opponent can’t handle pace, then use pace! Yet this is still a percentage game, your goal should always be to neutralize your opponents aggression.

This is an excellent video that covers majority of shots, from all sides of the court in a precise, logical view!


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- The Pickleball Journey Team