Frazier #1, Mark Two, 5 Mistakes Holding You Back!

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Mark Pickleball has brought some outstanding, affordable paddles to the market as of late. An eye-catching design theme, premium feel, and wallet friendly paddle line!

Our RPM test came out to - 1940

This is a tad below the TOP tier spin paddles, but don’t let that deter you from looking into them!

PPA San Clemente Winners!

First, lets talk about Dylan Frazier…. The now #1 Men’s Doubles player in the WORLD!!! Congratulations Dylan! Coming from Wichita, KS (along with Jay Devillier and Matt Wright), Dylan is 1 of 10 top pros that DO NOT have a tennis background! He started playing pickleball when he was 14 and reached his first pro events when he was 17. In today’s world of pickleball, everyone we know of on TV have tennis backgrounds, yet the fact that Dylan has come this far as a RIGHT-SIDE PLAYER is mind boggling! This may seem small for the future of pickleball, but it is actually something refreshing, and needed. A ton of today’s pros compliment and say that Dylan has some unorthodox shots that throw ex-tennis, pro pickleball players off. Maybe his no background style is helping him in ways no one thought it would! Who knows, maybe JW & Dylan will soon stay #1…. Maybe someday Ben Johns will pick Dylan up as his right-hand man!

What an inspiration!

If you think pickleball is boring to watch, get yourself on YouTube in your downtime and watch some of this tournament! So many crazy points, rallies, comebacks, and more! While you’re there, checkout our YouTube Channel! :]

Covering The Middle - Where’s the ball on the court? Every time you or your partner dink cross court, you should be shuffling towards the side the ball is on! This will cover the middle, the most vulnerable, and easiest opportunity for your opponent when it is wide open! It is very difficult to land a cross-court speed up in bounds, so cover your partner if they are dinking cross court.

Moving as a Team - Anytime your partner takes 2 steps to the right, you should also! Anytime they move to the left, you should shuffle too! This will cover majority of the angles that your opponent may see, leaving them with lower percentage shots! Doubles is all about the percentage game!

Attacking at the Wrong Time - A lot of people will speed up at the wrong time, or on the wrong ball! When you take a big back swing, your opponent will easily read that and counter you. Most of the time, you want to attack off of a volley, just to give your opponent less time to read, and react your next moves! Usually on a volley, the ball will be higher, and closer to you, as well leveling the plane of the ball and net height, making it easier for you to get the ball over!

Many players may know these tips, but it is easy to forget the fundamentals while in a match! Especially in a fast-paced game that may be challenging to take time and think!

Watch the rest of our thoughts and get visuals with a 1on1 teaching session for correcting mistakes here! 

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Do you want a drilling partner who doesn’t talk smack? Here’s the SpinShot with $50 off!!!


“Warm-up Routines for Pickleball

A proper warm-up routine for pickleball is crucial to maximizing performance and reducing the risk of injury. In the context of pickleball stretching exercises and fitness and training for pickleball enthusiasts, incorporating a comprehensive warm-up routine is essential.

Dynamic Stretching and Warm-up Exercises

Here are a few effective exercises to include in your pickleball warm-up:

  1. Arm Circles: Helps increase the range of motion and flexibility in your shoulders.

  2. Leg Swings: Enhances hip mobility and prepares your legs for lateral movements.

  3. Torso Rotations: Develops core strength and stability, essential for powerful strokes.

Importance of Mobility and Flexibility

Through thorough research and observation, it has been found that focusing on mobility and flexibility in your warm-up can improve your overall performance in pickleball. Some essential exercises for this aspect include:

  • Hamstring Stretches: Crucial for preventing injuries and improving overall flexibility.

  • Hip Flexor Stretches: Enhances mobility for quick and agile movements on the court.

Sample Warm-up Routine for Pickleball



Jogging in place

3 mins

Arm Circles

1 min

Leg Swings

1 min

Torso Rotations

1 min

Hamstring Stretches

1 min

Hip Flexor Stretches

1 min

Remember, these exercises are based on research and user experiences. Feel free to customize your warm-up routine to cater to your specific needs and preferences.

Whether you’re an amateur or a professional, this extensive pickleball guide provides a wealth of information for everyone.”

Thanks to Pickleball Wiki for all this information and these routines! Read more here!

Thanks for reading. Share with your pickle people and we can grow more for big giveaways, exclusive deals, and offers! See you next time!

- The Pickleball Journey Team