PPA Winners, Vanguard Control, One Two Punch!

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Veolia Houston PPA Open!

This was another wonderful tournament in one of the pickleball capitals! Houston always brings the heat! Anna Leigh Waters didn’t play this tournament, Quang Duong is 2/3 on Ben Johns in singles, Federico Staksrud & Pablo Tellez didn’t have the best run in the finals…..

Ben & Collin defeated a 3/5 game against Staksrud & Tellez in 33 minutes for the finals match….. Maybe it was just a bad day.

Anna Bright has been on a steam roll lately, we can’t wait to see how much more versatile her game gets!

Anna Leigh Waters didn’t play this tournament, so you may not know who Etta Wright is, but obviously she’s a BEAST!

Lea Jansen struggles in singles as she is a diabetic and sometimes it can be long gruesome days for her, but she loves to mop the floor in singles!!!

Federico came out with a Silver in Men’s Doubles, and a Gold in Men’s Singles!


Paddle Stats Spreadsheet - HERE for discounts, and stats!

Everybody knows Selkirk! Selkirk has been in the pickleball game for 10 years now! An amazing line up of paddles out there now, and the Vanguard Control doesn’t miss! The lowest “lightweight version” can have a swing weight as low as 104!!! For an elongated, 16mm paddle that is nearly unheard of! It has a crisp, yet hollow plush feel to it, with plenty of pop as well!

Our RPM test came out to - 2228

There are only a few paddles out there that reach the 2300 RPM mark. Selkirk has made an amazing paddle with this one. They used different cross directional weaves in the carbon fiber to provide consistency from any angle!

SCENARIO 1 - Try pulling your opponent out wide with your serve, to pull your opponents apart from each other! This will get them split apart, leading to an opening where you can drive through the middle! This is best when your opponents are a bit slower.

SCENARIO 2 - When you are in a cross court dink battle, you may consider hitting an aggressive dink to the corner to pull your opponent out wide again, so keep an eye out to speed up in the middle! This is best when your opponents aren’t shadowing each other! Catch your opponent on how quickly they recover, this is key!

SCENARIO 3 - The ERNE! To set yourself up for an Erne, you want to hit the outside corner in front of you! Keep an eye on how flow/fast your opponent is on reacting. Try to read whether they like to go back in front with their dinks, or cross court. Usually, if your opponent dinks your corner ball back towards you, you have an opportunity! Keeping them off balance will help you!

Watch the rest of our thoughts and get visuals on the COMBOS here! 

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Is there a tiny voice in the back of your head saying “PROTECT YOUR EYES” every time you play pickleball?

Well, CRBN is here to save you money, and your eyesight! These glasses have SO many options, styles, and ways to wear them! Is your budget an obstacle? The SHOP APP will allow you to do payments! These have a 1 YEAR WARRANTY! With our code, the price will come out to about $85, in comparison to other brands of $100-$300! Save your eyesight, and your wallet from hospital bills!

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Do you want a drilling partner who doesn’t talk smack? Here’s the SpinShot with $50 off!!!


“Functional Mobility for Pickleball Athletes

Yoga Poses for Pickleball Mobility

Incorporating yoga into your training routine can further improve your functional mobility. Various poses promote flexibility, balance, and core strength, all essential for pickleball athletes. Here are some effective yoga poses to try:

  • Downward-facing dog

  • Pigeon pose

  • Warrior I and II

  • Tree pose

  • Bridge pose

Functional Mobility Benefits for Pickleball Players



Improved court movement

Enhanced flexibility allows for more efficient and fluid movement on the court

Reduced risk of injury

Proper stretching reduces muscle imbalances and promotes overall muscle health

Faster recovery time after games

Stretching helps muscles recover faster, reducing soreness and fatigue

Enhanced performance in pickleball skills

Increased mobility improves your reach, agility, and overall game performance

By focusing on functional mobility for pickleball athletes and incorporating the suggested exercises and stretches, you’ll see improvements in your overall game performance.

Remember that consistency is key, and make sure to include these stretching exercises in your regular training routine for the best results.”

Thanks to Pickleball Wiki for all this information and these routines! Read more here!

Thanks for reading. Share with your pickle people and we can grow more for big giveaways, exclusive deals, and offers! See you next week!

- The Pickleball Journey Team